Rural Education is in Crisis
Students in rural Canada are falling behind their urban counterparts.**
“Canadians should be particularly concerned because,
among OECD countries, Canada has the worst rural-urban gap
with respect to levels of education in the workforce.”
What this looks like on Cortes Island
**“The rural-urban gap in education” by Canada Council on Learning *** LEEP Report / Census Data /

Cortes Island Academy is a Model for Transformative Education
Education is an important determinant of health both for individuals and communities. Unfortunately, in Canada, rural students drop out of high school at almost twice the rate of their urban counterparts and consistently under-perform in all areas of achievement including reading, math, and science. These rural-urban differences persist across all the provinces, according to the Canada Council on Learning, who says that: “Canadians should be particularly concerned because, among OECD countries, Canada has the worst rural-urban gap with respect to levels of education in the workforce.”
Cortes Island and our nearby island communities live the rural education gap. With no secondary-school option at all, students had to choose between leaving their homes and cultures or dropping out of bricks-n-mortar school. In a community where families earn less than the BC average and almost ⅓ of children live in poverty, the cycles of economic and community insecurity are profound.
The problem is also an opportunity. Cortes Island, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Tla’amin, Homalco, and Klahoose First Nations, is a beautiful, wild, and natural “campus”. The island boasts an amazing community that includes the Klahoose First Nation, numerous nonprofit groups, and a disproportionate number of PhDs, naturalists, educators, ecologists, artists, writers, world-class intellectuals, and local knowledge holders. The result is a model of experiential, place-based education that is transforming what’s possible in rural and remote communities and educating the ecologically and equity-aware leaders of tomorrow.

Transformative Education Grows Future Leaders
Transformative Education Reaches a Diversity of Students
CIA Impact Report for 2022-2023

Transformative Education Creates Meaningful Projects
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